Teams services

Subscription communication support service

Solid teams rely on solid communication. They prosper based on the strengths,
capacity and commitment to quality of each empowered team member.
To work collaboratively, effective communication skills are critical.
They help us deal with our differences, barriers, change, and challenging situations like conflict and sensitive topics.

I offer a sustained and tailored approach to supporting human development and communication in the workplace.

This quarterly service typically involves a combination of individual coaching,
meeting facilitation for inclusive decision-making, team training, and when needed, mediation.

These services are available both in person and online.

Solid teams rely on solid communication. They prosper based on the strengths, capacity and commitment to quality of each empowered team member. To work collaboratively, effective communication skills are critical. They help us deal with our differences, barriers, change, and challenging situations like conflict and sensitive topics.

I offer a sustained and tailored approach to supporting human development and communication in the workplace.

This quarterly service typically involves a combination of individual coaching, meeting facilitation for inclusive decision-making, team training, and when needed, mediation.

These services are available both in person and online.

Coaching for leaders & individuals

One-on-one coaching sessions are a highly effective approach for growing capacity,
especially when privacy and a safe setting are desired.

In these sessions, anything and everything is welcome and kept confidential, with the goal to fully support the individual with his/her goals.
Often this involves specific situations in which the focus is on obtaining inner clarity, seeing options and determining next steps.

Empathic listening and roleplaying are common tools used in these sessions to enable one's own insights and behavior change to surface.
Also, when two (and sometimes more) people are involved in conflict, I offer mediation sessions.

A wide range of situations are welcome.

One-on-one coaching sessions are a highly effective approach for growing capacity, especially when privacy and a safe setting are desired.

In these sessions, anything and everything is welcome and kept confidential, with the goal to fully support the individual with his/her goals. Often this involves specific situations in which the focus is on obtaining inner clarity, seeing options and determining next steps.

Empathic listening and roleplaying are common tools used in these sessions to enable one's own insights and behavior change to surface. Also, when two (and sometimes more) people are involved in conflict, I offer mediation sessions.

A wide range of situations are welcome.

Some examples I help with regularly:

  • Building skills for handling confrontational or conflict situations.
  • Building skills for giving and/or receiving feedback in constructive ways.
  • Bridging differences, e.g. cultural, opinions, ways of doing things.
  • Growing awareness about power differences (e.g. “bullying” / “victim” roles) and building equitable relationships.
  • Learning how to deal with your harsh inner critic, perfectionism.
  • Being clearer about boundaries and saying no.
  • Dealing with emotions when they show up at work.
  • Improving your life-work balance.

Coaching & facilitation for teams

Teams run into communication issues on a regular basis and need external, neutral support to break patterns.
I start with initial listening sessions to uncover needs alive in the team
and propose strategies to bring about sustained behavior change.

Teams run into communication issues on a regular basis and need external, neutral support to break patterns. I start with initial listening sessions to uncover needs alive in the team and propose strategies to bring about sustained behavior change.

My approach includes:

  1. Individual & group sharing / listening sessions.
  2. Facilitated honest dialogue and coaching towards shared values and new agreements.
  3. Training sessions for developing new communication skills.
  4. Facilitated group process for inclusive decision-making (for which I use Miki Kashtan's Convergent Facilitation method).
  5. Mediated group conflict for resolution.
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Trainings & courses

Topics include:

  • Connecting communication (based on Marshall Rosenberg's Nonviolent Communication), foundation - advanced levels
  • Mediation / coaching / facilitation skills for leaders
  • Giving & receiving effective feedback
  • Building safety and understanding via active listening skills
  • Emotions at work (being with mourning and celebration)
  • Being in your power (building clarity & assertiveness, saying & hearing “no”)
  • Inclusive decision-making (based on Miki Kashtan's Convergent Facilitation method)
  • Finding your unique balance (wellness training)
  • Bridging differences (working with polarization)
  • Power & privilege: uncovering our blindspots and building an equitable workplace

Courses are generally 20-30 hours and take place on a weekly basis (in person or online).
If requested to help determine interest, an introductory 1-day workshop can be provided.

Courses are generally 20-30 hours and take place on a weekly basis (in person or online). If requested to help determine interest, an introductory 1-day workshop can be provided.

Other Connecting Communication learning opportunities:

  • Introductory workshop (2-4 hours)
  • Deepening workshop (6 hours)
  • Training (4-8 hours, weekend, week)
  • Courses (6-12 weeks)
    • Basic course for beginners (no requirements for this training)
    • Intermediate course (next level, for those with at least 25 hours of CC training)
    • Advanced course (next level, for those with at least 50 hours of CC training)
    • Practice course: for learning, practice and staying in touch with CC (for those with at least 25 hours of basic CC training)
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